Why i transitioned into technical writing

Why  i transitioned into technical writing


Unveiling the Unexpected Path: From Doubt to Technical Writing

How do I convince my reader that I had no intention of being a technical writer? I have never for once see myself as someone who would go into technical writing.

I use to be a dreamer who couldn't even fathom the idea of being a technical writer. It simply wasn't on my radar. I had this image in my mind of who I wanted to be, and let me tell you, it didn't involve manuals or documentation.

But life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn't it? Fate had its own plans, and it led me down an unexpected path that transformed my perspective entirely.

You see, I always had a passion for different things. I found joy in exploring the complexities of technology.

On this fateful evening, I was scrolling through my Twitter, getting caught up in conversations that had nothing to do with me, i just recieved a tweet from my man about someone who was into technical writing. Suddenly, he started talking to me about this field and how he thinks I would be great at it. I was resistant and couldn't understand why he is suggesting it to me.

Curiosity piqued, this man called me and began explaining what technical writing was all about. I stubbornly insisted that I couldn't do it and lacked belief in myself. That was when he started giving me reasons why I could succeed in this field.

One of his arguments was that I was known as a skilled note-taker in my class. He said that people found my notes incredibly interesting and easy to understand, even those who struggled with complex topics. He emphasized that even a 12-year-old could read my notes and grasp the content, and even someone unfamiliar with law related matters could pick up my notes and gain an understanding of the subject.

Curiosity sparked within me. Could I be one of them? Was there a way for me to merge my love for technology and my gift for communication? I knew I had to find out.

His words of encouragement and unwavering belief in me were truly awe-inspiring. I was amazed by his confidence and started to seriously consider taking the leap into technical writing. It was a bold step, but his support gave me the push I needed to believe in myself and give it a try.

Luckily for me, on that same day, at night, I stumbled upon a tweet from a professional technical writer who offered to teach 10 people interested in learning technical writing.

I immediately sent her a direct message about my interest in technical writing, and in the next morning, I received a notification that I had been chosen as one of her students. I could hardly believe it! It felt like a dream come true.

I made up my mind to dive deep into the world of technical writing and unleash my full potential. It was a personal battle, a challenge between me and myself.

The first class I attended was incredibly inspiring. Our instructor equipped us with all the essential knowledge and prepared us for the journey ahead. She emphasized that success in technical writing requires mental preparation, passion for writing and the willingness to overcome obstacles.

If we could align our minds and commit ourselves to the task, we could become successful technical writers. And guess what? Those who excel in this field can earn an impressive annual income of no less than $50,000.


Awaken Your Inner Fire Embrace Your Passion and Unleash Your Inner Strength

So, my dear reader, I implore you to revive the lion within you.

And so I say to you, with utmost conviction, that if you can dare to dream it, you possess the strength to live it. Your aspirations, no matter how audacious they may seem, have the power to manifest into reality.

The journey may not always be straightforward. Obstacles will appear, doubts will try to sway you, and the path may seem unclear.

Listen to the calling within your soul, and let it shape your journey. Whether it's a career, a hobby, or a life-changing pursuit, you have the power to make it your reality. Trust in yourself, your abilities, and the strength of your dreams.

So, my friend, stand tall, embrace your passions, and let the world witness the extraordinary heights you can reach.

Remember, if you can dream it, you can undoubtedly live it. Embrace the journey, trust in yourself, and let the lion within you roar with unwavering power. Your time is now!